December 18, 2017. I National Conference on "Non-infectious diseases burden and struggle strategies" was held at the Therapeutic Clinic of Azerbaijan Medical University. Implementation of "Strategy for Non-infectious Disease Prevention in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2015-2020" approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan as well as results of the activities carried out in this field over the past two years , the difficulties encountered in the area were widely discussed at the conference.
It is known that the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCD) is related to the poor prevention and inefficient work targeting the reduction of cardiovascular, oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus and pulmonary diseases and very similar in all parts of the world. And multidisciplinary approach is of particular importance to counteract the growth tendency and NCD-associated mortality and morbidity.
At the conference special attention was paid to the prevention of cardiovascular, oncological diseases, diabetes and lung diseases, their risk factors, including the lack of physical activity, excessive weight and obesity, excessive use of salt, and the elimination of alcohol abuse. Conference enabled Azerbaijani medical researchers to present the results of their clinical and fundamental researches.