e-ISSN: 2617-7668     print ISSN: 2522-9176
Stages of pathomorphological changes in the epidermis in various clinical forms and stages of pemphigus and their pathogenetic significance


Summary. Pemphigus is a chronic malignant disease. It is clinically expressed by the formation of blisters on non-inflamed skin and mucous membranes. Bubbles and erosion tend to merge and generalize the process, which, in the absence of timely and adequate therapy, leads to the death of the patient. Changes in the cells of the basal and spiny layers of the epidermis in pemphigus are the main cause of the development of apoptosis, then acantholysis and rupture of intercellular bonds (desmosomes), which indicates disturbances in the epidermal regulatory system that precede and then, at the final stage, contribute to the development of the autoimmune process.


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Pemphigus, acantholysis, apoptosis. Пемфигус
апаптоз Pemfiqus, akantoliz, apoptoz.
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