e-ISSN: 2617-7668     print ISSN: 2522-9176
Influence of HIV and C virus hepatitis co-infections on the treatment results of multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis patients among detainees


Tuberculosis is one of the most lethal diseases in the world. This disease has never been widely spread like today. Increase in the population size, HIV infection incidence and other medical and social factors contributes to the increase in the TB infection. Drug Resistent Tuberculosis (DRT) incidence has been on rise and difficut to treat  (long-term treatment, expensive and toxic). DRT is defined as the resistance to isoniazide (INH) and rifampicin (RMP) (two most potent anti-TB drugs).

In spite of the efforts made in many countries for MDR treatment, recent global eXDR increases (Extended Drug Resistant Tuberculosis, resistant to fluoroquinolones and kanamycin or to amikacin amniocin or kapriomycin) have created an idea that it is better to not treat than to have inadequate treatment.

In some countries with low incidence of MDR, there is a higher risk of tuberculosis among prisoners compared to the general population. These cases are associated with high level of tuberculosis transmission and with the lack of or poor infection control mechanisms and/or dense concentrations of populations. A number of co-infections affect the results of the treatment of MDR, but it is still unclear to what extent these effects are present. It was decided to investigate the role and significance of HIV, HBV and HCV co-infections in the MDR clinical course among prison population.

Objective: to review the failure of treatment of MDR among penitentiary institutions' residents and identify any associations with various risk factors.


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Vərəm xəstələrinin aşkarlanması üzrə klinik protokol.-B.:"CCC Azərbaycan"MMC, 2012.-28 Səh.

ТБ и коинфекция ТБ/ВИЧ в Латвии. Краткий обзор ситуации. © 2011 Фонд поддержки приоритетных стратегий в сфере общественного здравоохранения.

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Hepatit C
tuberculosis patients
drug resistant tuberculosis ВИЧ
Гепатит С
больные туберкулезом
лекарственно-устойчивый İİV
Hepatit C
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