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Review of diagnostic methods for diseases of the TMJ


In the diagnosis of diseases of the TMJ, the goal is to: identify the disease, the stage of development of the disease and determine the prognosis, provide differential diagnosis, determine the preoperative preparation; to evaluate the treatment; to ensure the safety and adequacy of the study. Different types of studies have specific indications for diagnosing lesions of the TMJ: Radiographic studies have a lower cost, a lower dose of radiation exposure and, however, lower sensitivity. They diagnose less complex changes and allow primary differentiation between diseases of the TMJ and inflammatory conditions of the teeth and jaws.

CT examinations are sensitive and specific for morphological, degenerative changes and bone fractures that make up the joint. Cone Beam CT is the gold standard for imaging the bony structures of the maxillofacial region. Inflammatory changes, the location of the articular disc and other soft tissue structures are clearly visualized and assessed by MRI. It can also be evaluated using ultrasound, which is necessary for the differential diagnosis of diseases of the TMJ and salivary gland diseases. Nuclear medicine imaging methods are primarily shown to assess metabolic changes, tumor processes and areas of metastasis.


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radiographic methods
TMJD диагностикa
радиографические методы
ВНЧС diaqnostika
radioqrafik metodlar
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