Purpose of the study. Evaluate the causes and frequency of hemorrhage and its episodes requiring stationary treatment of hemophilia illness.
Materials and Methods. The research was conducted at the Hemophilia Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Surveillance unit was a confirmed patient with hemophilia (252 people). 102 patients were diagnosed with severe (factor <1%), 150 patients with moderate (severe 1 to 5%) hemophilia. As the hemorrhage episodes depend on the duration of the disease, the duration of observation in the choice of patients was taken as a prerequisite. Information on hemorrhage and its episodes of episodes of the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth months after the diagnosis of the disease has been confirmed has been recorded on the patients' individual observation card. Patients registered for less than 6 months were not included in the observation community. A hemorrhage that occurred within 30 months of 24 months, 66 and 108 in 18 months, 72 and 122 in 12 months, 83 and 130 in all 6 patients with 102 patients and 68 patients diagnosed with severe hemorrhagic hemophilia The episodes of the episode are summarized. Thus, 1122 and 1293 hemorrhages and episodes of its episode were obtained for 102 and 150 patients with 6942 and 11100 patients, respectively, with severe and moderate severe hemophilia diagnosis. The results were evaluated by the qualitative statistics of statistical methods, and the number of episodes per 100 patients in each 6-month period was calculated and the mean error was calculated.
Article was published initially in Saglamlig Journal (ISBN-5-8035-0168-9).
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