e-ISSN: 2617-7668     print ISSN: 2522-9176
Neonatal screening: International experience


One of the strategic directions aimed at reducing infant and child mortality is the prevention of maternal and child health. Also, in developed countries, the reduction in the number of children in families makes the optimal termination of each pregnancy very important. Their genetic and physical health and reproductive functions are more important for the country than the number of babies born. Therefore, the prevention of congenital and inherited diseases is not only medical, but also socio-economic, and should play a leading role in the health system.


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https://spbmiac.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/ Чурюмова-Ю.А_ Стратегия геномного тестирования pdf

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child, screening, international experience, maternal and child health. ребенок, скрининг, международный опыт, здоровье матери и ребенка. uşaq, skrininq, beynəlxalq təcrübə, ana uşaq sağlamlığı.
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