According to WHO data, annually about 350,000 people in the world die from acute poisoning of chemical etiology [1]. The mortality rate from acute intoxication in the world varies greatly - from 12% in developed countries to 15-30% in some developing countries. Moreover, the structure of fatal poisoning can vary greatly from state to state, and even within different regions of the same country [1]. Some researchers noted that despite the decrease in the frequency of lethal poisoning in children, the opposite trend is observed in adults, including in developed countries. [1; 1]. So, in the United States over the seven-year period 1999-2006, the mortality rate from unintentional intoxication increased by 108.5%. [1] The aim of this work was to study the structure and risk factors of fatal poisoning in Azerbaijan. and finding possible ways to prevent them.
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EJCS, Vol 2, No 2 (2019) Оригинальная статья
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