e-ISSN: 2617-7668     print ISSN: 2522-9176
Diagnosis and treatment of toxic effects of carbon monoxide


Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gas without odor, taste, color, фтв which is formed as a result of methane combustion. Usually, the CO concentration in the atmosphere is less than 0.001 percent, but may be higher in urban areas or on premises. Compared to oxygen, CO binds more strongly to hemoglobin, causing the formation of carboxyhemoglobin (COHb), which leads to a decrease in transportation and consumption of oxygen. CO also accelerates an inflammatory cascade, causing lipid peroxidation and delayed neurological complications in the CNS.

Carbon monoxide poisoning through negligence and unrelated to fire is responsible for about 5-10 deaths per year, and the number of intentional carbon monoxide poisoning is twice as high. Due to deliberate poisoning, the death rate is higher in comparison with negligence related cases. Unlike cases of deliberate poisoning, negligence-based poisoning demonstrates both seasonal and regional variations and occurs in colder climatic conditions. Late neurocognitive disorders may persist in about 40% of patients who survived the initial stabilization.


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carbon dioxide
carbon monooxid
carbon monoxide отравление
монооксид углерода
угарный газ dəm qazı
karbon monooksid