e-ISSN: 2617-7668     print ISSN: 2522-9176
Methodological guideline for first aid, prophylaxis and treatment during snake bites


These clinical methodological guidelines are intended for civilian physicians and given the importance of the topic it is useful for military medical personnel. It is well known that snake bites are not common in the daily practice of most physicians in Azerbaijan. As a result the level of knowledge and practical skills of majority of physicians to deal with snake bites and provide care to patients who sustained snake bites is mostly inadequate.  The diagnosis and treatment of snake bites requires the ability to recognize the snake species, differentiate the venomous and nonvenomous snakes as well as understand the affect of snake venom on the organ systems.  Therefore this guidebook will be useful for any medical personnel who can come across the snake bites in their work. It will specifically be useful for primary care physicians, intensive care specialists, toxicologists, general surgeons and military medical personnel.  The main objective of these evidence based guidelines is to support to timely diagnosis, first aid and subsequent specialist care of snake bites by medical professionals in Azerbaijan. 


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first aid during snake bite
snake bite
Poisonous snakes
snakes первая и неотложная помощь при укусах змей
укусы змей
ядовитые змеи
змеи ilanvurmalar zamanı təcili təxirəsalınmaz tibbi yardım
zəhərli ilanlar
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